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Big Move in UAE Work Permits and Visas Now Issued in 5 Days!



Attention all job seekers and companies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)! Here’s some fantastic news that will streamline the employment process. The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) has announced a major reform – work permits and visas can now be issued in a blazing-fast five days!

Cutting Through the Red Tape:

Previously, obtaining work permits and visas in the UAE could be a time-consuming process, often taking weeks or even months. This new development eliminates a significant chunk of that waiting period, making it much easier and quicker for companies to hire new employees and for expats to secure their residency.

One-Stop Shop for Efficiency:

The new system revolves around the “Work Bundle” platform, a unified online portal that simplifies various aspects of UAE employment. Here’s what you can expect:

Benefits All Around:

This new initiative offers a win-win situation for everyone involved:

Looking to Learn More?

For a deeper dive into the Work Bundle platform and the specifics of the new work permit and visa processing timelines, here are some helpful resources:

The Takeaway:

The UAE’s new work permit and visa issuance system marks a significant step towards a more efficient and business-friendly employment landscape. This reform is poised to benefit companies, expats, and the overall UAE economy. So, if you’re considering a job opportunity in the UAE, get ready for a faster and smoother experience!

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