UAE Traffic Accidents Surge, Yet Fatalities Reduced: Report

A recent report highlights a surge in traffic accidents and injuries in the UAE, despite a reduction in fatalities. The Ministry of Interior’s road safety statistics for 2022 indicate an alarming increase in serious accidents and injuries. Violations such as distracted driving, sudden deviation, tailgating, and driving under the influence remain major contributors to road incidents. The report emphasizes the need for sustained efforts and collaboration from both public and private stakeholders to improve road safety in the country.

Despite a decrease in traffic fatalities, a new report reveals a concerning surge in overall traffic accidents and injuries in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Ministry of Interior (MOI) has released its road safety statistics for 2022, shedding light on the growing challenges faced by the country. While the reduction in fatalities is a positive development, the significant rise in serious accidents and injuries demands immediate attention. This article delves into the key findings of the report, highlighting the major violations contributing to road incidents and emphasizing the continued importance of prioritizing road safety in the UAE.

The MOI’s report reveals a disconcerting increase in the number of serious traffic accidents in 2022. A total of 3,945 major accidents were recorded, representing a 13 percent rise compared to the previous year. Furthermore, the number of injuries related to road accidents surged by 15 percent, with 5,045 individuals affected. Despite efforts to reduce traffic fatalities, these statistics emphasize the need for comprehensive measures to address the underlying causes of accidents and injuries.

The report highlights the key violations contributing to fatalities and injuries on the UAE’s roads. Disturbingly, 65 percent of the fatalities and 57 percent of the injuries were linked to five specific violations: distracted driving, sudden deviation, tailgating, driving under the influence of banned substances, negligence, and inattention. Additionally, the findings highlight that road users below the age of 30 accounted for 41 percent of fatalities and 53 percent of injuries, indicating the vulnerability of young drivers and the need for targeted interventions.

Thomas Edelmann, founder and managing director of RoadSafetyUAE, expressed his appreciation for the detailed road safety statistics released by the MOI. While acknowledging the reduction in fatalities, Edelmann emphasized the alarming rise in accidents and injuries. He stressed the significance of addressing the five major violations through collaborative efforts from all stakeholders, including public and private entities. Edelmann further suggested involving schools and employers in promoting safe habits, revisiting driving school education, and considering staged driving licenses and monitoring technologies for novice drivers.

The report provides a breakdown of traffic accidents and incidents by emirate. Abu Dhabi recorded 127 fatalities and 1,756 injuries, while Dubai reported 120 fatalities and 2,161 injuries. The data also revealed that evenings were the most dangerous time to be on the road, accounting for 37 percent of fatalities and 40 percent of injuries. Weekends were not exempt from risk, with Saturdays and Sundays recording the highest number of fatalities and injuries. The months of March and January stood out as particularly dangerous, accounting for 11 percent and 10 percent, respectively, of combined fatalities and injuries.

In conclusion, the road safety report by the Ministry of Interior highlights the concerning surge in traffic accidents and injuries in the UAE, despite a reduction in fatalities. The rise in overall accidents and injuries underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address major violations, protect vulnerable road users, and foster collaboration among stakeholders. Efforts should focus on promoting safe driving practices, revisiting driving school education, and implementing technologies for novice drivers. With sustained focus, improved enforcement, and effective education, the UAE can strive towards a safer road environment, reducing accidents, injuries, and fatalities for the well-being of all road users.

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