The highly anticipated season premiere of “Big Brother” aired on CBS, marking the beginning of the reality show’s 25th season. Viewers were introduced to a fresh batch of houseguests and the revamped “Big Brother” house, setting the stage for what promises to be an exhilarating season.
To celebrate the show’s milestone 25th year, “Big Brother” had a special 25th-anniversary special in July, generating excitement among loyal fans. Host Julie Chen Moonves has teased possible cameos from past fan-favorite stars, including Frankie Grande, Britney Haynes, and Danielle Reyes, making Season 25 even more enticing for viewers.
For those eager to follow the upcoming episodes, “Big Brother” will air its next episode on Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. While the full episode list for the season is yet to be released, viewers can expect weekly episodes on Sundays and Wednesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. ET, with live episodes on Thursdays from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. ET.
The show’s schedule will shift from Wednesdays to Tuesdays when “Survivor” and “Amazing Race” return this fall, as announced by CBS. As for the exact number of episodes in Season 25, it is still undisclosed, but past seasons have typically comprised 35 to 40 episodes.
Viewers can catch “Big Brother” on CBS, and for those who prefer streaming, the show is available live and on-demand through the CBS app and Paramount+. Additionally, previous episodes of “Big Brother” are accessible on Netflix, providing an opportunity for fans to relive past moments.
This year’s August start date for the show deviates from the usual June or early July launches. The late start can be attributed to CBS’s strategic planning due to the potential writer’s strike. To avoid disruptions in scripted shows’ production in the fall, CBS pushed the premiere of original content to later in the summer, ensuring a smooth start for “Big Brother” Season 25.
As fans gear up for an eventful season, the fresh faces, unexpected twists, and potential cameos from “Big Brother” legends have generated considerable anticipation. Stay tuned for a rollercoaster of alliances, competitions, and drama as “Big Brother” continues to captivate audiences in its 25th year of reality entertainment.